----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Woody" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 9:53 AM
Subject: [PHP] HTTP_REFERER security implications?

> I am working on a simple authentication script, where the user submits a
> login and password, the credentials are checked and the user is
> redirected to another script.  The new script checks the HTTP_REFERER
> and if its the original script it continues, otherwise it stops with a
> message about being unauthorized.
> What kind of security implications may I be backing myself into?  I want
> to try and stay away from cookies, and as small as this is I think
> Session management is a little overkill.  The average user isn't going
> to spend much more than 1 or 2 minutes on the site (not much for them to
> see or do).  I have seen this method used on other sites, but I prefer
> to check with the experts first.
> thanks,
> --
> Tom

Yes I have read that the HTTP_REFERER can easily be faked by controlling the
name on a proxyserver (although I have never done so myself).  Once set up
all you have to do is post through an idential form and voila, you're in.  A
good analogy of the level of security we're talking about is a common door
lock... enough to keep out the casual individual but a thiefe can enter with
little or no trouble.  And isn't it the thieves you're worried about?

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