I have a login page with a form where users enter there login and
password. The form's action is "https://mysite.com/login.php";.

login.php authenticates the user and if the authentication is successful
it ends with a:

header("Location: http://mysite.com/welcome.html?a=b&c=etc...";);

The problem I am facing is that the flow of event is:

http -> https -> http

and this causes IE and Netscape to put up an alert box telling
users that they are leaving a secured site.

The IE messages is:

"You are about to be redirected to a connection that is not secure. The
information you are sending to the current site might be retransmitted
to a non-secure site. Do you wish to continue?"

I only want to use HTTPS for the parts of my web site that actually need
  it and nothing else. The way I have things set up now I receive the
data through HTTPS, use it, and then put the user back on a "regular"
HTTP connection since I don't need https anymore. But I get browsers
throwing up these warnings ....

Is there a way around this? The messages are annoying at best and
probably scary to users ...



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