THanks guys, I think I will use wordwarp()

-----Original Message-----
From: - Edwin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 11:07 AM
To: Poon, Kelvin (Infomart); '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: Re: [PHP] form/text area input problem

"Poon, Kelvin (Infomart)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> the problem is when I display it it would be a one lined paragraph.   
> THe page's format is ruin since this is one long line and the user 
> will have to scroll across to read the paragraph which look pretty bad.
> I hope you know what i am trying to say.  

Hmm, I guess I know what you're trying to say but *that* is NOT the 
normal behaviour (if I may say). Putting one long paragraph inside
<p></p> tags "should" automagically wrap it... If not, you can probably 
use CSS to limit the width of your <p></p>'s (paragraphs) so it wouldn't 
destroy the "format" of your page.

- E

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