thanks, are you able to pint me to some good reference sources on
tokenizer's... i have never come across them before

I have been scouring the web, and am coming up a decided blank. :)



Nel vino la verità, nella birra la forza, nell'acqua i bacilli
In wine there is truth, in beer there is strength, in water there are

> From: Erik Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 16:45:47 -0500
> To: Brad Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: PHP General List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Using PHP to get a word count of a MSword doc
> Brad Wright wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply Rene,
>> Any change of a code sample of how u did this?? Im not at all experienced in
>> Java.
> According to the manual, PHP does have some tokenizer functions:
> However, the documentation appears to be lacking as they are still under
> development.  Using it might be somewhat straightforward if you are
> accustomed to using a tokenizer in another language (like Java) but if
> not, it's really a little too difficult to explain in an email.
> A less elegant but ultimately quicker and probably more reliable
> solution might be to investigate some kind of external word-counting
> program that knows how to parse .DOC files (good luck on that part), and
> call this from your PHP script using system().  Catch-22: the only
> libraries I am familiar with that can parse .DOC files are the Jakarta
> POI libraries, which are written in Java.  But I am sure that if you
> scour the web you can find some Perl, Python, or maybe even PHP-based
> solution.
> Erik

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