At 00:56 07.03.2001, Bill Rausch said:
>What I mean is, if a user is connected to a php page that uses sessions and
>that is involved in a time consuming operation (say 20 seconds or more)
>before returning an answer, and the user also opens a second window in the
>same browser to connect to another page in the same site that uses sessions
>the second window  will hang till the first operation is complete.
>While testing, I was able to show that if I don't use sessions this doesn't
>I need to use sessions and would like to allow users to have multiple
>windows connected to my site (it is an intranet application).

try not to use cookies - use session keys via URL/hidden form fields. This
way multiple browser connects can have multiple session keys, and you won't


   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
    ^     ICQ#   13394035

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