Rasmus, I hardly call it a "school" paper. I haven't done one of them in 25 
years. But if you are not the one to ask, nor is the "general" list not the 
place to ask, who do I email or where do I post to find out more about your 
statement at: http://www.php.net/license/

"GPL enforces many restrictions on what can and cannot be done with the licensed 

Chris' response: http://cvs.php.net/co.php/php4/LICENSE?login=2&r=1.22. Is 
interesting, but does not answer the question.

Sorry to bother,

>>>examples of restrictions mentionned http://www.php.net/license/
> > Rasmus: I understand there are differences between GNU.org &
> > OpenSource.org but I didn't mean to offend anyone. Sorry Rasmus, but
> > was surprised you would answer that way. Is this a touchy subject?
> > "General" list should be the correct place to ask?
> No, the php-general list is not the place for you to do your open source
> license research for your school paper.

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