
I would like to decrypt data encoded with GnuPG without including the private key passphrase in the command to prevent people from viewing it with "ps".

Here is the code I wrote:

$command = "/usr/bin/gpg --homedir=/path/to/.gnupg --no-secmem-warning --always-trust --yes --output /path/to/output.txt --decrypt /path/to/testtext.asc";
$passphrase = '***********';

$fp = popen($command, 'w+');
fputs($fp, $passphrase);

print "Done";

I assumed that the fputs() function would write the passphrase at the prompt, but that doesn't seem to be the case - the command does not create the output.txt file when ran by the PHP program (which is running as a CGI under my user BTW) while it works when ran from the shell.

Any idea why?


Pierre-Luc Soucy

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