Dillon, John wrote:

My problem relates to IF statement in the following code.  There are two
checkboxes, named altid$thisid, so for instance they become altid36 and
altid37.  When the form is submitted with both checked, I can read the first
altid36, but the second does not pass the IF test.  Any suggestions re
possible reasons?

$checkedalts = array(); $x=0; $y=1; $array_id = explode(",", $_POST["idlist"]); foreach($array_id as $thisid){ if(${"altid" . $thisid} == 1){ //OR if(ISSET($_POST["${"altid" . $thisid}"])){ $checkedalts[$x] = $thisid; $checkedalts[$y] = ${"altprice" . $thisid}; $x=$x+2; $y=$x+1; } }

The HTML before submission is (without the <!--):

                  <td><input type="checkbox" name="altid36"  value="1"


<td class=textset22><input size="10" type=textfield value="" name="altprice36"></td> </tr><tr> <td>Something else</td> <td><input type="checkbox" name="altid37" value="1"


<td><input size="10" type=textfield value=""
</tr><tr> //-->

Not what you're looking for, but... are you sure you're doing this the easiest way?

Try putting your values in an array instead, e.g.

altid[36] and altprice[36]

Then access through:

foreach ($_POST['altid'] as $id => $value)
  $price = $_POST['altprice'][$id]



David Grant
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