On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 09:26:45PM +0200, winst0n wrote:
> Hi, try to write a @session_start(); in ur popup windows... it will call the
> last session opened by the client.

I already do that....both the parent and the main window call a file which
has the session_start in it. I believe the problem is that I have two
windows open with the same session information. According to this page,
tha'ts a problem:

benja at benja dot be
15-Apr-2003 12:45       
Just for info, session_start() blocks if another PHP using the same
session is still running in background. It seems it's waiting the other
PHP to finish... and sometimes it can be a problem. Create 2 different
sessions by setting 2 different names : session_name() solve the problem.


Emma Jane Hogbin
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