
i run some really big apps (crms/email/shopping
carts/directories/forums/etc) that make use of persistance type data but
NEARLY all of it is just put in and removed from the DB - just all kinds
of little/big functions that need to maintain some data or state(s) of
some data - my system averages 20 queries per second - thousands and
thousands and thousands of simple queries - the only persistance is with
mysql connections

just my two cents

On Tue, 2003-06-10 at 17:51, Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:
> Cpt John W. Holmes wrote:
> > Agree 100%. Don't assume that just because you use JSP, or any other
> > language, your program is going to instantly "scale well" and be easy to
> > maintain. You can write crappy, inefficient code in any language. You can
> > also write good programs in most any language if you put the proper planning
> > into it before hand.
> Ok, I've got answers concerning the learning curve and maintainability 
> and some pros and cons that I have found very useful.
> Now the one last point that I would like to really find out about is 
> persistence. I keep hearing that you can get *true* persistence with 
> jsp/servlets/beans/whatever. I'm still trying to find out more details 
> on this as I can't see how you can get that since HTML is stateless and 
> whatever the backend is it all eventually turns into an HTML connection ...
> Sessions in PHP are nice but as everyone knows they don't allow for true 
> persistence. And if you want to have your objects persist over a 
> session, that's even more work (and in my short programming career I 
> have not yet found a case where persisting a PHP object across a session 
> was worth the trouble/overhead).
> Can anyone offer an opinion on this? Is persistence with jsp that much 
> easier compared to PHP? And if true persistence is possible is it all 
> it's cracked up to be?
> I've often dreamed of being able to have true persistence but if I had 
> it maybe I wouldn't find it all that useful once I'd had a go with it.
> Thanks,
> Jean-Christian Imbeault

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