"Jeff Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Jun 11, 2003, "Alex Earl" claimed that:
> |> Does anyone know what to do to make it saved as: mysoft-1.0-truc.zip
> |>
> |> And I would like to display a page telling "Thanks for download" or
> |> something...but if I had to the end:
> |> header("Location: http://www.mywebsite.com/thanks.html";) ;
> |> I does not work :(
> header("Location:..."); must not be sent after any html, so you won't be
> able to redirect that way.
> Perhaps if you know approximately how much time it takes to download the
> file, you can use a <meta http-equiv="refresh"...> to redirect to a
> "thanks for downloading" page, with a link back to the download.

Better yet, can you not spawn the download off in another window, which will
be closed automatically when it's discovered to be a file download instead,
and then do what ever you want in the main browser window?

Dustin Pate

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