
> > My personal opinion, which shows in all my code writing is to
> never echo
> > inside a function. always return the data whether it be string, array,
> > or boolean... I've always left echoing up to the actual page
> showing the
> > data. That way if you have two seperate pages that need to display the
> > data differently, you can use the same function, and just format it as
> > needed on the pages.

        This is kind of what I thought would be the majority of the responses.
I've found that since the inception of web languages (ASP, PHP, etc) that
I've "abused" functions a bit.  I then got to thinking one day that maybe
what I was doing was normal, but then I figured that it probably wasn't.  At
times it seems like it caused me to scramble all my logic.

-Dan Joseph

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