that sounds really impressive. I'm using Redhat 9 with
the stuff from their Edition, that means Apache 2 and
php together. Never had any issues (so far.....keep my
fingers crossed). The server is not under heavy load,
but it is indeed a "production server". I know it is
not recommended, but for this use (mysql & apache &
php on that server in a company intranet, used for
keeping a picture library & administration issues) is
it necessary to change it? Please advise. To my
defence I have to say that the data on the server is
backed up regularly, though not the OS itself, since
if something ever happens it is less hassle to do a
complete new install & get the database back on. Any

 --- Rasmus Lerdorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb: >
Apache2 has a number of different modes it can work
> in.  These modes are
> called MPM's.  The default MPM is called Worker
> which is a multithreaded
> model.  PHP, mod_perl, mod_python, and any other
> similar technology which
> links directly into the httpd processes will need to
> be perfectly
> threadsafe and reentrant to work effectively with a
> threaded Apache2 mpm.
> This is doable for the core of PHP, but there are
> literally hundreds of
> 3rd party libraries that can be linked into PHP and
> nobody whether or not
> these libraries are threadsafe.  And figuring out if
> a specific library is
> threadsafe or not is non-trivial and it can very
> from one platform to
> another.  And just to make it even harder, this
> stuff will appear to work
> fine until you put it under load or hit very
> specific race conditions
> which makes it nearly impossible to debug.
> So, since we can't tell you for sure that a threaded
> Apache2 mpm + PHP
> will work we do not suggest you use it for a
> production server.  And since
> we can't know for sure, none of the main PHP
> developers use this
> combination for our own servers which compounds the
> problem because it is
> not receiving anywhere near the amount of realworld
> testing required to
> work out all the little issues above and beyond this
> threading unknown.
> There is an Apache2 mpm, called "prefork", which
> isn't threaded and
> basically makes Apache2 look like Apache1.  But hey,
> we have a very good
> server already that looks like Apache1.
> In the end I don't see Apache2+PHP ever becoming a
> production platform
> with the current architecture.  The only way I see
> it ever working is to
> pull PHP out of Apache and use a fastcgi approach. 
> Or, with time, perhaps
> we will learn how to make sure a library is
> perfectly threadsafe and safe
> to use in a multithreaded Apache2.
> For now, I really see no reason not to simply use
> Apache1 if you want a
> robust, fast and stable web server.
> -Rasmus

Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.
J.M. Barrie (1860-1937)


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