First question: I'm creating a custom content manager for a small site. 
It will basically be used to store short articles (several paragraphs
each).  Now my question is, is storing these to a text file going to
work or am I going to have problems later on when the file gets to be a
reasonable size.  I ask this, because the only way I can seem to work
with the text file is to read the entire file in and alter it that way. 
Are there any ways to edit or remove one line of a text file without
having to read the entire file first?  Would I be better off using a
database instead of a text file (keep in mind that I know nothing about

Question two: I've read in several books that html checkbox forms can
pass multiple values to the server when more than one check box is
selected if they have the same name.  However, when I var_dump the
$_POST variable that should contain them I only get one value.  Anyone
have any ideas why?

Jason Giangrande

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