ok, I get the idea how to create those newsfeeds. Looks pretty staigh

How do you implement them on the client site. I read about news agregator
programms (like newsreaders for newsgroups). But I do want to integrate them
into another website without having php on that site. Do I have to wrap it
around another peace of software? It would be grate if it would just be a
html tag which just implements the little news into a whole html page
surrounded by its other content.

Worldwide Travel Community
"Aquarion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> On Sun, 20 Jul 2003 12:28:55 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Merlin) wrote:
> >Hi there,
> >
> >I was searching on the net for a while on how to create dynamic newsfeeds
> >from my web portal. Somehow I did not find what I was looking for.
> >
> >Can anybody give me a good start on how to write a newsfeed service which
> >dynamic? The goal is whenever a member publishes a story on the site, it
> >should be included into the newsfeed.
> >
> >Thanx for any suggestions and help on this!
> Two ways of doing it, basically.
> First is a dynamic PHP page that goes though the last ten or whatever
> updates and displays them as RSS (in much the same way you display a
> "recent articles" page, except you output XML instead of HTML)
> Second is to create the page as above whenever you add a new story and
> then output it to a static file.
> Output of RSS is fairly simple, start off with
> <?PHP
> header("content-type: text/xml")
> ?>
> then build up the introductory data (I'm using a stripped down version
> of my own feed as an example here):
> <example>
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <rss version="2.0"
>   xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/";>
> <channel>
> <title>Aquarionics</title>
> <link>http://www.aquarionics.com</link>
> <description></description>
> <dc:language>en-gb</dc:language>
> <dc:creator>Aquarion ([EMAIL PROTECTED])</dc:creator>
> <dc:rights>Copyright 2003 Aquarion</dc:rights>
> <dc:date>2003-07-20T11:55:00+0100</dc:date>
> <admin:generatorAgent
> rdf:resource="http://www.aquarionics.com/epistula/?v=2.0.2b"; />
> <admin:errorReportsTo rdf:resource="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"/>
> <sy:updatePeriod>daily</sy:updatePeriod>
> <sy:updateFrequency>8</sy:updateFrequency>
> <sy:updateBase>2000-01-01T12:00+00:00</sy:updateBase>
> </example>
> If it's a database, query for the last 10 items, then loop though them
> and output the code:
> <item>
> <title>Journal - Aquarion and the Missing Domain</title>
> <description>In which a server vanishes</description>
> <guid
> <content:encoded><![CDATA[ <p>Okay, so in the confusion
> of yesterday, I forgot to mention something. As of yesterday morning,
> the entire gkhs.net network went <span class="caps">AWOL</span>
> because for some reason neither of the people who have the domain got
> any emails reminding us that it was due to expire.</p>
> <p>This is why none of you have discovered that
> spirit.gkhs.net isn&#8217;t working for <span class="caps">IRC</span>
> atm. I&#8217;ll relaunch it when I get them back again (I&#8217;ve now
> renewed the domain).</p>
>  ]]></content:encoded>
> <dc:date>2003-07-18T07:33:00+0100</dc:date>
> <dc:subject>computing</dc:subject>
> </item>
> Finally, do the final closing tags:
> </channel>
> </rss>
> and then run it though the Feed Validator at
> http://feeds.archive.org/validator/ to make sure you haven't done
> anything silly :-)
> The specification for RSS2 (which will tell you - or help you - know
> what goes in all the tags I used above) is at
> http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss

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