
On 07/20/2003 01:07 PM, Merlin wrote:
Can anybody give me a good start on how to write a newsfeed service

which is

dynamic? The goal is whenever a member publishes a story on the site, it
should be included into the newsfeed.

You may want to try this class that does exactly what you ask:


thanx, but I am looking for a method which I can forward to people without having to worry about php. Something like JavaSript. Something that even a person on geocities would enable to put the newsfeed on there page.

Is this even possible?

Sure, just use that class to generate RSS feed and then use this Javascript feed viewer service to embed it peoples pages with a single HTML line. Here is an example:

Original feed:

HTML tags to embed:
<script language="javascript" src="http://publish.curry.com/rss/rss-box.r?url=http://www.phpclasses.org/browse.html/latest/latest.xml&align=left&width=200&frameColor=black&titleBarColor=%23add8e6&titleBarTextColor=black&boxFillColor=white&textColor=black&fontFace=&maxItems=7&compact=&xmlButton=&javascript=true";></script>

Feed viewer page:


Manuel Lemos

Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP

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