Okay... this probably isn't that hard to do... but I am just not sure to
do it... so i will ask you guys... i amsure someone is going to have a
one liner for me here!
I am making a survey/poll builder everything is dynamic... there is an
admin section where the user can make the new survey.. and set certain
surveys as active.... but this where I am coming into some
difficulties.... the program builds the form dynamically... all radio
buttons... when the user submits the form i need to disect each form
answer and then dump it into MySQL... So I need to know if I can do
something like use the 'explode()' function no this... and assign them
to variables... I need to draw out the radio button id and what they
hope that makes sense... thanks for all your help in advance
Joe Harman


Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm
not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein 

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