Ford, Mike <LSS>
    on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 11:00 AM said:

> I know the braces vs. end-token debate is almost on the scale of a
> holy war, and I admit to hating the curly-brace style with a passion,
> but when I see code like this:  
> function doit()
> {
>       for()
>       {
>               if()
>               }
>                       ...
>               }
>               else
>               {
>                       ...
>               } // if
>       } // for
> }
> I wonder why the heck the author didn't just go for the alternative
> syntax with proper end-tokens and get the added value they deliver.

You are correct. If I had in fact originally written my block of code
with "// if" and "// for" it would make more sense to use the
alternative syntax that you detailed in your original mail. But I
/didn't/ use "// if" and "// for" therefore I wouldn't use the
alternative syntax because it's just more characters to type and
generates no useful benefit. And besides, it reminds me of my days of
VBScript. blagh.

I also think there may be something to say about how often a person
checks their updates. I usually don't write more than a few lines of
code before I try it out in the browser. Checking the code frequently
makes it a trivial task to find syntax errors, especially since you know
the error has to be contained within the tiny block of code you were
just writing.


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