On Jul 30, 2003, "Ivo Fokkema" claimed that:

|"Chrstian Brensteiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
|> whats the best option to get more information about a failure in your
|> code ?
|> whenever i get failures that are situated at the very end of my script how
|> do i get to know wherer they start?
|> now i have get from apache + php  this return
|> Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in
|> c:\programme\easyphp\www\cms\procede_presse.php on line 268
|> 268 is the last line of my script how to deal with those failures in an
|> intelligent way?
|Getting these errors at the last line in your script generally means that
|you omitted a closing '}'.
|So when you would do :
|function something () {
|  print ("done");
|You will get a similar error. Check all of your functions and
|if/else/foreach/ etc. structures for an omitted '}' to fix your script.\
|Good luck!
|Ivo Fokkema

Proper indenting should help you solve this issue. Check other threads or
the pear manual for ideas. As annoying as this error is, it is not so
nearly difficult to fix as the "you're missing something and php is only
going to output a blank page with no error information" error that I get
way too often.

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