From: "Ryan A" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I am just screwing around and getting used to arrays with a "foreach"
> to Michael,Jan and Evan from this list and have run into problems.
> My requirment is pretty simple (code is below too)
> 1)unset all the sessions that might have been set with reference to the
> hardcoded array ($vars)
> 2)if any checkboxes have been set from the previous form then set that
> session
> needless to say, its not working, am too new at this to know where my
> is so any help is greatly appreciated.
> I have even added a few comments as to what i was thinking....tell me if i
> was wrong.
> **************Start code************************
> <?php
> $vars = Array('noPlatform','noPrice','noSfee','noSpace');  // this
> corresponds to the "name=" of each checkbox
> foreach ($vars as $key) // clear all previous sessions
>  {
>  if(isset($_SESSION['$key']))
>  {
>     unset($_SESSION['$key']);
>  }
>  }
> echo "done1"; //just checking program execution
> foreach ( $vars as $vvvv ) // if any checkboxes were checked create a
> session for them
> {
>  ${$vvvv} = ( isset($_POST[$vvvv]) ? 1 : 0 );
>  if($vvvv==1)
>   {
>    $_SESSION[$vvvv];
>    echo $vvvv; //getting no output from here...I just put it here for
> testing
>   }
> }
> echo "done2"; //just checking program execution
> ?>
> ****************End code************************

How about you name your checkboxes as:


where xx is from your $vars array above. You'll end up with

name="setting[noPlatform]" value="1"
name="setting[noPrice]" value="1"

Now, you'll have $_POST['setting'] that'll contain the checked boxes.

To put those in session:

$_SESSION['setting'] = $_POST['setting'];

To see which boxes were checked...

$checked = array_keys($_POST['setting']);
$checked = array_keys($_SESSION['setting']);

$checked now an array similar to your $vars above but it only contains the
values that were checked.

To find out which checkboxes were NOT checked, you could use:

$not_checked = array_diff($vars,$checked);

Easy, eh?? Hope that helps.

---John Holmes...

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