* Thus wrote Ryan A ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> foreach ($vars as $key) // clear all previous sessions
>  {
>  if(isset($_SESSION['$key']))
>  {
>     unset($_SESSION['$key']);
>  }
>  }
> echo "done1"; //just checking program execution

No need to loop here, you can use an else statment in the next
loop. And the key is inside '' as John pointed out.

> foreach ( $vars as $vvvv ) // if any checkboxes were checked create a
> session for them
> {
>  ${$vvvv} = ( isset($_POST[$vvvv]) ? 1 : 0 );
>  if($vvvv==1)
>   {
>    $_SESSION[$vvvv];
>    echo $vvvv; //getting no output from here...I just put it here for
> testing
>   }
> }

Couple things:
  . Try not to use abstract names for vars (ie $vvvv), it makes the
  code harder to understand what its doing. But since this is a
  test script I'll let that slide :)
  . Your ${$vvvv} assingment is never used, read up on how to use
  variable variables. It isnt and shouldn't be used in this

  . Try and make things a little simpliler:
    foreach ($vars as $vvvv)
      if ( isset($_POST[$vvvv]) )
        $_SESSION[$vvvv] = 1; // be sure to assign a value.
        unset($_SESSION[$vvvv]); // no single quotes around the key

"I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure."

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