
I've searched the net for various information on PHP usage in the
enterprise. I've searched Forrester
(http://www.forrester.com/search/1,6260,,00.html?squery=php), Gartner
(http://www.gartner.com) and
Google(http://www.google.com/search?q="market+research"+php) with little

I know some popularity report exists here
(http://php.weblogs.com/popularity) and I also know that Zend has made this
survey (http://www.zend.com/zend/php_survey_results.php) but they are both
missing some essential figures on money, enterprise acceptance and so on.

We would also think creating a survey of our own - but we know that only a
company like Zend would be able to attract many other respondets from more
various areas than we do.

I would appreciate any figures on the web development market - because this
is the market for most of us - and knowing the market could only be a good
thing. I think we should consider this key figures:

1. How many PHP websites are developed per year in your company
1.1 What kind of applications bring the best profit
(CMS/Intranet/ERP/CRM/Dynamic Website)
2. Turn-over per year from PHP websites/company
3. Turn-over per year from PHP websites/employee
4. Where is your company heading in terms of market strategy - offer low
cost solutions, offer professional web development solutions, etc.
5. ASP/Java competition estimates (how many sites/application do they do,
how much is the market share for them?)
6. Some real market information for total web development/country would also
help to determine the PHP market share for all those information
7. Are PHP programmers spending money on software development tools or
prebuilt libraries?
8. Why do companies "reject" PHP solutions and how what should we do to
improve their feelings on this?

We are also open on any suggestions on this research's goal - as probably
there are other that know better how to do a market research.

Would this kind of survey work? Are there any political problems that could
prevent people filling it? We have a survey software and we would be glad to
create a public survey with those information that could help all PHP
developers convince their clients/bosses/partners that PHP is a viable
enterprise choice. I hope that you are also willing to change the conception
on PHP as the "Personal/low end" scripting language.

I'm looking forward to your comments,


Alexandru COSTIN
Chief Operating Officer
+4021 312 5312

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