Hey - it doesn't actually seem to matter whether one does research or not.
Almost every single post I make, someone just HAS to tell me to search
google, which is maddening.  The whole idea behind a forum like this is to
be able to communicate with others who may be able to help, and who you may
be able to help.  So someone replying with a pissy RTFM is trying to get you
not to communicate with your friends.  That pretty much tells me where
they're at as individuals.  I don't need in-depth discussions with them to
figure out they don't have many friends and are rather lonely in life, which
is a bit pathetic as they have a whole community of people here that are
very friendly and also like-minded, as well as other people in their lives
that they incessantly work to alienate.  But, hey, there's always gotta be a
few in any bunch.


"Jay Blanchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
This is a very busy list, over 100 message in a quiet day and most
are helpful and decent, don't mind reading and learning. Unfortunately
there are some who mostly post stuff like 'read the manual' and other
like that. Stuffing e-mailboxes with such garbage day after day doesn't
anybody any good even if the manual is  not being read as much as it
be. Is it too difficult to not answer the post at all if you disagree
the content?

I know that this has circulated, but RTFA (toungue-firmly-in-cheeck)

My suggestion, quit posting "shit like this" when it has been covered
dozens of times. Talk about "noise". Look how many replies this thread
generated. Looks very much to me like you are
http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame29.html I know I use RTFM, STFW,
and STFA a lot, but when the poster makes it apparent that they have
done no research it is an expected and acceptable answer.


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