On Wed, 2003-08-06 at 16:36, Chris Sherwood wrote:
> or what does it take to actually give a reasonable answer... if I am gonna
> be rude I  wont say anything... doesnt any one remember their mother telling
> them if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all?

That kind of thinking leads to things like Hitler :| If we never say
anything then it becomes the norm for people to continue their
behaviour. Currently the question being debated is what constitutes poor
behaviour/etiquette within this mailing list. While I agree that this
forum is primarily for answering questions -- I disagree that it is for
answering silly little questions that would be common knowledge if the
asker had bothered to read any tutorials or documentation -- most
especially when it appears that the poster didn't even bother to do any
kind of searching for themselves. I mean really, questions like "does X
do Y" is often as simple as writing 1 to 5 lines of test code which is
probably shorter than the email itself and doesn't pollute the mailing
list with 5 to 10 replies of "yes" or "no".

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