While is is true that the opcodes cannot be run as machine code, the
opcode (bytecode) can be run on any machine which has the PHP engine (or
an opcode reader). Does Java not call itself a compiled language? If so
then the simple addition of PHP Accelerator, or Zend Accelerator should
be sufficient to call it a compiled language. Anyways I can't really say
for sure, traditional scripting languages didn't create such blurry
lines between compiled and interpreted :)


On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 10:27, Curt Zirzow wrote:
> * Thus wrote Binay Agarwal ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > Thanks jay for quick response
> > 
> > I'll tell you what really forced me to go in the matter of interpreted or
> > Compiled language.
> > 
> > In the heart of PHP 4+  is Zend Engine which compiles (often says) the php
> > code into some intermediate code called opcode and then Zend executor
> > executes them converting these opcodes to machine language. right??
> > 
> > If it is so why PHP is an Interpreted Language.
> My understanding is that the opcode'd file is just a list of
> opcodes (for zend) to interpret.  You can't take the opcode'd
> file and run it on your machine; thus it is still interpreted.  

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