im saving image into pdf with:

$image = pdf_load_image($p, 'jpeg', $picture_path, "");
pdf_fit_image($p, $image, $x_im, $y_im, "");
pdf_close_image($p, $image);

image is 150px x 100px but in genereted pdf file it looks much smaller. 
im viewing mentioned pdf file with 100% view ratio.

i've tried it with several other images and im getting same result.

any idea what's wrong ?

It is probably because of differences between print pixels (PDF) and
view pixels (monitor). Create a 150 x 100 image file. Open the PDF and
place the image file next to the image in the PDF. You will see
differences. another thing to note is that you are viewing the PDF at a
certain screen resolution which may not be the same resolution that your
users will be viewing the PDF.

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