Yes, it looks like that's the problem (print pixels vs. view pixels).

i've found out that PDFlib is importing images as 72dpi images no matter
if they really are 72dpi or not :(

so now my images are about 4-times smaller as they should be.

any suggestions ? :


On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 13:48, Jay Blanchard wrote:
> [snip]
> im saving image into pdf with:
> $image = pdf_load_image($p, 'jpeg', $picture_path, "");
> pdf_fit_image($p, $image, $x_im, $y_im, "");
> pdf_close_image($p, $image);
> image is 150px x 100px but in genereted pdf file it looks much smaller. 
> im viewing mentioned pdf file with 100% view ratio.
> i've tried it with several other images and im getting same result.
> any idea what's wrong ?
> [/snip]
> It is probably because of differences between print pixels (PDF) and
> view pixels (monitor). Create a 150 x 100 image file. Open the PDF and
> place the image file next to the image in the PDF. You will see
> differences. another thing to note is that you are viewing the PDF at a
> certain screen resolution which may not be the same resolution that your
> users will be viewing the PDF.

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