Tanks a lot!
This was exactly that i wanted!


David Otton wrote:

On Sat, 16 Aug 2003 07:58:27 +0200, you wrote:

I have folowing function which they are a member in a class.

function foo(){

function zoo(){
something else

and i have a array such:

$test = array(1=>foo,2=zoo);

and i want to call the fuction foo() and zoo something like;


The fact that you say "$object->$test" suggests that foo() and zoo() are
methods of a class? The following code snippet contains just about every
mechanism for calling a method of a class that there is. The one you'll
probably want is

call_user_func (array ($C, 'B'), 'call 4');


        /* Class A has method B */
        class A {
                function B ($s = "None") {
                        echo ("<p>input : $s</p>");

        /* $C is an instance of A */
        $C = new A ();

        /* $D is an array of strings */
        $D = array ('item 1', 'item 2', 'item 3', 'item 4');

        /* invoke A::B */
        A::B ('call 1');

        /* invoke $C->B */
        $C->B ('call 2');

        /* invoke A::B via call_user_func() */
        call_user_func (array ('A', 'B'), 'call 3');

        /* invoke $C->B via call_user_func() */
        call_user_func (array ($C, 'B'), 'call 4');

        /* invoke A::B via call_user_func_array() */
        call_user_func_array (array ('A', 'B'), array('call 5'));

        /* invoke $C->B via call_user_func_array() */
        call_user_func_array (array ($C, 'B'), array('call 6'));

        /* apply A::B to $D via array_walk() */
        array_walk ($D, array ('A', 'B'));

        /* apply $C->B to $D via array_walk() */
        array_walk ($D, array ($C, 'B'));


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