It could be because your server is using some out of the box virtual hosting setup like ensim or cpanel. This usually means your home path is not what it appears to be. That in turn means that if you use absolute pathnames with your file upload handler it's bound to fail.
So you will need to double check your paths.

For example the phpinfo you refered to shows that the script path is /usr163/home/r/y/ryanknig/public_html/ and my guess is that this is not what appears as your home page. (eg you might know it as /home/ryanknig/public_html )

Confused? these lousy virtual hosting setups are very confusing indeed. Most people get by with them for static websites but when you do file handling and stuff like that all kinds of complications pop up.

Ryan A wrote:

I am trying to upload something into a directory on my server but always i
am getting a permission denied ONLY from this server...i have tried it on 2
other servers and they seem to be working fine but i have to get it working
on this server as this server is the fastest and our production server.

I have looked at the folder permissions and CHMODED/changed them from 644 to
766 and finally 777 but am getting the same error, i then had a look at the
php info file (http://jumac.com/phpinfo.php) and i see file_uploading is set
to 1 and 1, safe mode is off, i am not too familier with file uploading so
is this right? if not, how can i change it? hopefully via a .htaccess as I
dont have access to the php.ini file directly.

Let me again point out that this problem only seems to be on this server,
the scripts including the upload is working perfectly on the other test

Kindly reply,
-Ryan A.

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