I'm trying to filter a word - in this case - called badword1 - to be
with asterisks.

Listed below is my .html form and .php receiving script.

I've also added the same script which gets a hardcoded string.

In the first example, the output still shows the original message _without_
replacing the badword whereas in the second example with the hardcoded
string - it is getting replaced with *****.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Tony Ritter
<form action="themessage.php" method="post">
Your message:<br>
<textarea name="message" cols="40" rows="5">
<input type ="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">

// example #1: in the script the text in the variable $guestbook does not
get replaced.
$dirty_words = array("badword1","badword2","badword3");
$guestbook = stripslashes($message);
foreach ($dirty_words as $word){
     $message = str_replace($word, "****", $guestbook);
echo $message;

// example #2: in this snippet, the hardcoded string $guestbook gets
replaced with ****
$guestbook="Boy, that Tony - he is a real badword1."
$dirty_words = array("badword1","badword2","badword3");
$message = $guestbook;
foreach ($dirty_words as $word){
     $message = str_replace($word, "****", $message);
echo $message;

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