> // example #1: in the script the text in the variable $guestbook does not
> get replaced.
> <?
> $dirty_words = array("badword1","badword2","badword3");
> $guestbook = stripslashes($message);
> foreach ($dirty_words as $word){
>      $message = str_replace($word, "****", $guestbook);
> }
> echo $message;
> ?>
> .............................

this won't help your script work, but will tidy it up, but try using a
regular expression...

$dirty_words = array("|badword1|i","|badword2|i","|badword3|i"); //the i
will make it case insensetive, which is extra useful...
$message = preg_replace( $dirty_words, "****", stripslashes($message) );
echo $message;

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