Hallo Curt,

am Montag, 25. August 2003 um 01:35 hast Du Folgendes gekritzelt:

>> I have followig error reported:
>> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mail() in /usr/local/www/login.php on line 
>> 235
>> What is the trouble here?  If I would have trouble because of
>> delivery, normally mail would return false. But here...

CZ> mail() wasn't compiled into php.

>> I have php4.3.1 running on linux. I just installed postfix to have the
>> sendmail binary at the right place.

CZ> You'll have to recompile php. the first time you compiled it php it
CZ> couldnt find sendmail, so it left it out in the binary.

Well, that makes sense to me. But I just recompiled the same way I did
it first time (config.nice), but I still get the same error reported.
I looked in ./configure --help to see if there are specific arguments
I need to add, but couldn't find any... and this time sendmail is
there (/usr/sbin/sendmail).

What's wrong?



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