On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 14:24:25 +0200
Matthias Wulkow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A> Did you install postfix _after_ PHP?  Did you have a sendmail
> A> binary in place before you configured PHP?  If it's not there are
> A> configure time, it won't even compile the 'mail' function.
> Yes and there was no sendmail binary before...
> A> I've had the same problem before - now that PHP can recognise it's
> A> got a way to send email, re-running ./configure / make / make
> A> install should work.  It did for me.
> I did that, but I forgot to do 'make clean'... now it seems to work.
> But I have still one question:
> when sending mail with this sendmail binary, is it possible to pass
> the mail to a local mail server instead of sending it directly to the
> recipient?

Thats a mail configuration issue.  Alternatively you can have the send
the email by SMTP to your primary mail server which then sends it on
from there. 


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