> Hi there.  Slightly OT, but it's for a PHP project...  We normally use a
> plug-in WYSIWYG editor so that our clients can manage their content in a
> word-like interface.  Normally this works fine, but this time when we've
> completed the site we've discovered they have an entire department that
> is 100% Macintosh and this editor doesn't work.  Has anyone come across
> one of these that are cross-platform?  Would really appreciate some
> advice

First, the Text Edit application that comes with Mac OS X, coupled with
iDisk, may actually be more than you need. By default, it edits RTF, but
it also edits plain text. iDisk allows you to set up an FTP connection
and edit over the network. It has the OSAX (AppleScript, et. al.)
interface, so there is a way to interface with it programmatically.

BBEdit is supposed to support editing via the web. It's an editor, not a
word processor, but the interface is WYSIWYG, only modal in terms of
switching to raw binary and such. I've used it to good purpose:


Mind you, it's a very powerful editor. Includes some neat integration
with perl, and should be easy enough to interface with php. BareBones's
Newer, cheaper TextWrangler is also supposed to support FTP, if that
would be enough. They have a good record about working with their
customers, too.

Hydra is a cute piece, allows people to simultaneous edit the same
text document over the local network. The Coding Monkeys's page seems to
be down right now.

I have only heard mention in passing of Pepper, but it looks like it has
returned to active development:

    http://www.digitalwandering.com/ (Mac fork)
    http://www.hekkelman.com/pepper.html (cross-platform)

Alpha has been highly praised by some I count as friends. It has been
compared with Emacs, although it is not really an Emacs work-alike. But
I don't find any recent information on it, the links all stall.

Hmm. Plugged "text editor macintosh" in at google.com, and got more
information than I want to wade through. Then I went to apple.com,
clicked on the "Made4Mac" tab, and wandered onto this page:


scrolled down, selected text processing and editing utiliities, and got
quite a few hits.


Joel Rees, programmer, Systems Group
Altech Corporation (Alpsgiken), Osaka, Japan

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