Quick question to the community here.  The company I work for got bought out and now 
they are wanting to migrate all the web sites that I have created in PHP to their 
Windows, IIS, .NET enviroment.  I have been trying to talk to the people at corporate 
about putting PHP on their Windows machines but they are reluctant saying the 

"An additional complication we discussed here is the fact that our servers are set up 
as pure a .NET environment. While we could add PHP to it. It could create conflicts 
that would effect the entire system. We have had this problem with Cold Fusion in the 

My question is... has anyone put both PHP and .NET in a Windows enviroment at the same 
time and had any conflicts?  I have done it several times before and have not run into 
any problems.  I really want to continue to run some of the PHP things that I have on 
the sites (i.e. message forums, chats etc) but I really need to know if anyone has run 
into any conflicts.  

As far as I know they are running Windows 2000 and IIS 6 on their machines.

Thanks for any feedback!

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