On Thu, 11 Sep 2003 08:54:06 -0800
"Chris Hubbard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think the BEST php editor "out there" is Microsoft's Visual Studio.

You should've posted this before I got all invested with Nedit, Linux and the

> Here's some of the reasons I think Visual Studio is the BEST
> 1.  None of that annoying syntax highlighting that you find in many other
> editors
> 2.  Unlimited technical support (at only $245 per call)
> 3.  At $1000 - $2500 per copy it's has substantially more features than
> other cheaper editors.
> 4.  It uses far more memory, so it remembers more stuff.
> 5.  I can seamlessly integrate .NET into my PHP code
> 6.  I don't have to waste my time with integrated debuggers
> 7.  It automatically generates obfuscated code
> 8.  I don't have to worry about those annoying GPL or LGPL licenses
> 9.  Runs great on SuSE
> 10. When it crashes I know I need to take my ergonomic break
> 11. When loading large projects I have plenty of time to make myself a cup
> of tea, or if I'm out of tea, to drive to the store to buy some tea, return,
> brew a cup, read slashdot, take a shower....
> 12. The outstanding support of PHP at Microsoft.
> Read about Microsoft's support of PHP here:  www.microsoft.com/php
> Read about Microsoft's integration of PHP and Visual Studio here:
> www.microsoft.com/vstudio/support/php
> ------------------------------------------
> Now if you're serious.  Do us all a favor.  Do a little research first.
> This question has been answered on so many sites/newsgroups.
> -alternatively-
> the best php editor out there is the one that you use.
> ------------------------------------------
> I do like my first answer the best.
> heh.
> ------------------------------------------
> If you made it this far, try this page:
> http://www.php-editors.com/result.php?showall=y
> Ironically Yours,
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: STONE Steven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 3:21 AM
> To: php mailing list
> Subject: [PHP] php editor
> What's the best php editor out there?
> Thanks in advance for nay replies!
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Regards, Andu Novac

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