>This all probably takes care about the problem with session id's in the
>query string, which is known as referrer to the next website our visitor
>visits. What I'm worrying and wondering about now are other users of the
>server my site's at. They can most likely go into the /tmp folder and
>just read my session files. Not Nice. I know it has been discussed for
>quite some times now .. but never really found anything else than
>warnings for stuff, no real solutions.

You don't have to store session data in /tmp -- it can be in any directory
you choose. Of course, that directory will still need to be world readable
and writeable in order to work, so this is more a case of security through
obscurity though it may help.

I don't think there really is a bulletproof solution to your problem,
though, for a number of reasons: if you choose to store the sensitive
information in a database rather than a session file, you are still left
with the fact that at some point, an unprivileged Apache user needs to be
able to get to it. That means world-readable database credentials, access
scripts, configuration files, and so on.

One option is to use Apache's suexec feature* and offload some of your
sensitive data access onto scripts and files that are maintained only by

Jason's suggestion for encrypting session data is a good one, though it
also suffers from the drawback above: ultimately most of the code required
to access your session information will need to be open in some way,
including the encryption key.

I think if you're really storing sensitive information, you shouldn't be
on a host shared with people you don't know/trust to begin with.

* SuExec: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/suexec.html)

michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:
sf/ca            http://mike.teczno.com/contact.html

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