
Sunday, September 14, 2003, 3:25:57 PM, you wrote:
TT> Hi,

TT> Normally to change a sites include directory for PHP I'd use a .htaccess 
TT> file and the following command:

TT> php_value include_path ".:/path/to/web/"

TT> Again normally, I would get the path to the site by doing a simple 
TT> phpinfo(); command and find the _ENV["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]  line near the end of 
TT> the phpinfo(); page.

TT> I've just setup an account with a shared hosting provider - I'm not fully 
TT> sure if they allow me to use .htaccess or not, I've got a call into tech 
TT> support but waiting is boring.  So while I wait - is there a better or more 
TT> accurate way of determining the actual path to my site on their 
TT> server?  I'm sure it has been written into PHP to specifically not allow 
TT> this - just curious.

TT> Secondly, if it is proven that my host does not allow .htaccess - is there 
TT> another way for me to change the include directory from its default and 
TT> into my sites root?

TT> This current site isn't all that large, so I could live without changing 
TT> the include path - but my next job (which is already committed to this same 
TT> host) is fairly large and will be a necessity for the change to occur.

TT> Thanks
TT> -Tim
You can do this at the top of each page if all else fails


(Use a ; as the separator if on windows)
This puts your directory first in the search path

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