Frank Tudor wrote:
It worked like a charm....but guess what.  I can't create a
connection string to my database.  Now I have to find a
to get this website to work with globals on and mysql.

Register globals has nothing to do with making a connection to MySQL. Post your code for the connection please.

I have tried adding an .htacess with the php globals override

php_value "register_globals" "1"

Ok this didn't work.

So I found the Mysql-PHP RPM on my mandrake cd (of course
enabling my php.ini file) and it didn't work.

I'm getting closer to a solution but I am stuck.  Why won't
htaccess file work?  I would like to use my php.ini file but

What isn't working for .htaccess? Is Apache configured to allow .htaccess files the ability to override php variables?

is not configured for mysql, how could I fix this?  Is there
anything I can do for either of these two questions to get my
globals on?

Not that you should turn globals on, but if this is really what you want to do, enable it in your php.ini file, and restart your webserver.

I swear I will never use functions again if someone helps me.


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