I can run mysql from a command line.

What I create a connection string using my php.ini file I get

failure. mysql_connect() errors

My connection string code is very simple:


$link_id = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password");
$result = mysql_list_dbs($link_id);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);

while($db_data = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                echo $db_data[0]. "<BR>";
                $result2 = mysql_list_tables($db_data[0]);
                $num_rows2 = mysql_num_rows($result2);
                while($table_data = mysql_fetch_row($result2)) echo "--" .
$table_data[0]. "<BR>";
                echo "==> $num_rows2 table(s) in " . $db_data[0] . "<P>";
 Using this as a test and all my other connection strings
residing on my include file or one the same page as my code

--- Jay Blanchard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip]
> I have installed Mandrake Linux and it comes standard with
> Apache PHP and MySQL.  You can install all these rpms through
> the server selection....Anyway.
> In my test environment it is function city and of course
> register globals were on.
> Now I have Taked my PHP.INI-DIST  set the globals to on and
> copied it to my /etc directory.
> It worked like a charm....but guess what.  I can't create a
> connection string to my database.  Now I have to find a
> solution
> to get this website to work with globals on and mysql.
> I have tried adding an .htacess with the php globals override
> thing
> php_value "register_globals" "1"
> Ok this didn't work.
> So I found the Mysql-PHP RPM on my mandrake cd (of course
> enabling my php.ini file) and it didn't work.
> I'm getting closer to a solution but I am stuck.  Why won't
> the
> htaccess file work?  I would like to use my php.ini file but
> it
> is not configured for mysql, how could I fix this?  Is there
> anything I can do for either of these two questions to get my
> globals on?
> I swear I will never use functions again if someone helps me.
> [/snip]
> Actually this sounds like a bunch of mutually exclusive
> things.
> 1. Can you run MySQL from the command line?
> 2. Register_globlas has nothing to do with the connection
> string to
> 3. Can you show us your connection string code?

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