Hi John,

My Impression from Jane's mail was that she was thinking of using a PHP script on the client side and not the server side. Am i correct jane? If so there would not be security concerns. Obviously as john has so rightly pointed out php on the server side cannot access local files.

The only effective way then would be to use signed java applets (which contrary to popular belief can access local files if you give it the right permissions)

John W. Holmes wrote:

jane wrote:

I have a .txt file on my local Windows 2000 box that i want uploaded to a
remote L.A.M.P. server with only one click.

I want to have a link (shortcut) on my desktop when clicked it launches a
web browser loaded with a remote .php script that automatically goes into
C:\data\upload_me.txt and uploads "upload_me.txt"

I know how to upload files using php with a "browse to file" html form, but
i want to skip the form and have the file just upload automatically when the
script is loaded.

I don't know how to make the .php script automatically grab the file from my
local box and upload it without any user intervention.

You can't. That would be a horrible security violation. Think of a different method.

Drag and Drop File Uploader.

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