CPT John W. Holmes wrote:

From: "Raditha Dissanayake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My Impression from Jane's mail was that she was thinking of using a PHP
script on the client side and not the server side. Am i correct jane? If
so there would not be security concerns. Obviously as john has so
rightly pointed out php on the server side cannot access local files.

True, kind of, and that's how I understood it also. But, as we all know, PHP doesn't run client side, so she'd have to turn her computer into a web server or run PHP from the command line. There still isn't a way to automatically submit a file over HTTP using either method, though.

FTP would work, though...

---John Holmes...

Sorry about the late reply, i have been out of town. One further assumption that i made was that jane would have the php command line version installed. Then php would indeed run on the client side.

Drag and Drop File Uploader.

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