
"Chris W. Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> (I posted this to another list yesterday without response, so if it
> looks familiar, that's why.)
> Hi.
> I'm working on a small study aid for myself (and anyone else that wants
> to use it) and I could really use the ability to store Japanese
> characters in a MySQL or pgsql db. Right now I've created a very large
> array.
> What I'd like to do is have a form that will allow me to add new
> characters whenever needed. So far my attempts at this have failed. It
> always seems that the extended characters get turned into their html
> entity equivalents before they are inserted into the db.

What exactly do you mean by "extended characters"? And, do you mean all *other* 
characters are inserted properly? Anyway,...

> I'm using euc-jp as the character set.
> I'm pretty much lost with this. Anyone have experience with this that
> they'd like to share? (on or off list is fine.)

Well, setting the "default-character-set" to "ujis" for both the server and the client 
works for me.

First check your "characterset"(s):

  mysql> status

If they're not "ujis" (for euc-jp), add this to your "my.cnf" file: (Under [mysqld] 
and [client])

  default-character-set = ujis

Restart your servers.

Btw, check your php.ini as well and make sure that your settings under [mbstring] are 


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