
Robert Cummings wrote:

On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 14:48, Evan Nemerson wrote:

I think Jay probably understands, but for those who don't, http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html

The problem with this kind of freedom (puts fiery backdraft gear on) is that it enables an entity with more resources than the original developer(s) to usurp the entire project. It also provides no incentive for anyone to ever help support the developer(s). I believe in free as in open source, free as in non-commercial use, but as soon as someone profits from the work, there should be some kind of compensation for the time and effort.


Well Robert, there's no way that it can be controlled. And controlling how you distribute / use your open source stuff would pretty much go against the idea of free software. Having said that i have always believed that GPL doesn't really give you any freedom. That's why i don't release anything under that particular licence and use JOSL ,BSD or something similar.

Quite frankly i don't mind people using anything that i open source in commercial applications. When i do mind i don't release it as open source :-)

best regards


Raditha Dissanayake.
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