On Fri, 2003-10-03 at 11:30, Raditha Dissanayake wrote:
> Hi,
> Please give it a shot, it's real easy. far easier than any of the lame 
> php template systems i have seen. The beauty is that the same XML/XSL 
> combo can be used with PHP, perl, JSP/Servlets, C++, VC++,VB,C,C# and 
> the list goes on and on.
> Disclaimer: I have never written a single line of VB ,VC++  or C# code 
> and don't intend to do so in the future.

I have used XSLT before and can't say I particularly liked it. I have my
own "lame" (as you put it ;) php templating system which I prefer much
more. Mind you, in all honesty, XSLT support can be plugged into my
templating engine if I wanted without any adaptation to the engine


> Robert Cummings wrote:
> >On Fri, 2003-10-03 at 07:21, Terence wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>The publication of the project itself was partially motivated by the 
> >>discussions that took place in this thread (A Complete List of PHP 
> >>Template Engines?) which basically sees me arguing for the usage of 
> >>standards (XSLT) rather than having to learn a proprietary new 
> >>templating system every time you work on someone elses PHP app.
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >XSLT is itself yet another language to learn. Albeit a standard, it is
> >much heavier than using simple XML tags or macros with PHP code.
> >personally I never cared much for XSLT, but I imagine that goes back to
> >my not liking LISP either -- which is a case of not liking functional
> >languages versus procedural languages.
> >
> >Cheers,
> >Rob.
> >  
> >
> -- 
> Raditha Dissanayake.
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