>As I wrote already this issue is mainly because of search engines
>incompatibility with dynamic content sites (to be more exact - with urls
>containing get parameters, in my case ex. index.shtml?lang=en&menu_id=23)
>Which of your described solution would you suggest for my situation ?
>Turck MMCache already installed. Now I need to do something with my urls.
>There are also problem emulating search engine friendly urls using "/"
>instead of "&" because I use SSI, so I can not use post method in forms,
>while using GET it will be a bit difficult to handle all params
>correctly, or I'm wrong ?

If all you need to do is change your URLs, the easiest method by far is to
change them all to something like 'index.php/lang/en/menu_id/23' -- you'd
need to add a parser function at the beginning, though.

Try isolating the '/lang/en...' by comparing $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']
against $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] and then exploding the result and setting
your request variables accordingly.

I have never tried this with SSI, so I have no idea what sort of problems
you may run into - you may be better off going with PHP includes all the
way through. I have also recently read (on a different list)  that Google
in fact does crawl URLs with GET parameters, but I have not verified this
and tend to avoid it as a matter of superstition.

michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:
sf/ca            http://mike.teczno.com/contact.html

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