Sounds good to me, what do other people think?

Definitely agree with the contribute and get free ad space idea.

On Wednesday 08 October 2003 09:57 pm, Chris Shiflett wrote:
> I tend to think that PHP-specific product announcements are fine, so long
> as they are courteous enough to prefix the subject with [ANNOUNCE] as is
> standard on many lists. This allows those who don't want this content an
> easy way to filter (whether automatically or manually by scanning
> subjects).
> I also tend to distinguish between open source and commercial software in
> this regard. It seems like a misuse of a list such as this to use it for
> marketing and/or general advertising purposes for a commercial product. I
> think the best way to market something like that is what Mr. Cummings is
> doing. Contribute to the list and include a brief description of your
> product in your signature. The more you contribute, the more people hear
> about your product. Everyone wins.
> :-)
> Chris
> =====
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Evan Nemerson

"If you would be a real seeker after truth, you must at least once in your 
life doubt, as far as possible, all things."

-Rene Descartes

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