I was afraid that was the case.

Tom Rogers wrote:


Thursday, October 16, 2003, 3:35:56 AM, you wrote:
A> My question seems fundamental. I want to set a variable in one function A> in a class and then want to use the value in a second function. A> However, the functions are called a html page with two passes. Submit A> reloads the page and an if(...) calls the second function in the class.

A> If I declare on the first run:
A>     $get_data = new edit_tag_file();
A>     $edit_args= $get_data-> edit_prep();

A> The on the second pass, I'm stuck. I can't declare a new instance of A> "edit_tag_data".
A> And, it appears the object is gone after I leave the page.

A> Will the class structure do this for me or must I save the values in A> $GLOBAL or something?

A> Thanks....

You need to pass the values to the next page or save them in a session

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