Adam Reiswig wrote:
> Greetings to all.  I am trying for the life of me to place a
> variable in my MySQL query.  I am running the latest stable
> versions of
> PHP, MySQL and Apache 2 on my Win2kPro machine.  My
> register_globals are
> set to off in my php.ini.  My code I am attempting create is
> as follows:
> $table="elements";
> $sql="insert into $table set Name = '$elementName'";
> This works with register_globals set to on.  But, I want to
> be able to
> turn that off.  My code then, I am guessing, be something as
> $table="elements";
> $sql="insert into $table set Name = '$_POST["elementName"]'";
> Unfortunately this and every other combination I can think of,
> combinations of quotes that is, does not work.  I believe the
> source of
> the problem is the quotes within quotes within quotes. I also tried:
> $sql='insert into $table set Name = '.$_POST["elementName"];    or
> $sql="insert into $table set Name = ".$_POST['elementName'];
> and several other variations.
> Can anyone give me some pointers to inserting $_POST[]
> statements inside
> of query statements?  I am sure there must be a way but I
> have spent a
> lot of time on this and am really stumped here.  Thanks for any
> -Adam Reiswig
> PS if anything here is not clear to you, please let me know and I'll
> clarify as I can.  Thanks again.

Do this first:

$elementName = $_POST["elementName"];

Then you don't have to change your sql statement. That's what I've
been doing all day yesterday and today in my time clock program. It's
less time consuming than changing all of the sql queries.

Jake McHenry
Nittany Travel MIS Coordinator

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