Jake McHenry wrote:
> John W. Holmes wrote:
>> Jake McHenry wrote:
>>> Php 4.2.2 and yes, apache 2
>> You know that's not recommended, right? PHP is not stable with
>> Apache2 yet. Either way, there is a bug with a specific version of
>> PHP and Apache2 that messes up request variables like you are
>> talking about. If you upgrade to the latest or a newer version of
>> PHP, I think this will go away.
> I transferred my sites over from a windows box to Redhat 9,
> which comes default with apache2 and php... I havn't had any
> problems as of yet. I didn't know if this was a problem
> because I was using two cookies, one from javascript on the
> site, and one with sessions... But since you say that.. I guess it's
> not my scripts.. 
> Thanks,
> Jake McHenry
> Nittany Travel MIS Coordinator
> http://www.nittanytravel.com

What should I be using then.. Apache 1.3? And will this fix the
problem... Or is it in the version of php  I have?

Jake McHenry
Nittany Travel MIS Coordinator

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